Kategorie: Bildung

  • Upload-Filter nein danke

    Upload-Filter nein danke

    Im sehr empfehlenswerten Spiegel Online Debatten-Podcast geht Blogger und Spiegel Online Kolumnist Sascha Lobo wöchentlich auf Leser-Reaktionen ein. In der aktuellen Ausgabe geht es um die umstrittenen Artikel 11 und 13 der europäischen Urheberrechtsreform.

  • #SaveYourInternet


    The #SaveYourInternet fight against Article 13 continues and needs our involvement. Please visit saveyourinternet.eu, raise your voice and act against Article 13. Contact your members of European parliament and government via email or Twitter and let them know what you think. On 12 September 2018, all 751 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) got a…

  • Atypical


    I recently finished watching the first 2 seasons of this amazing story about a family with a neuro-atypical or autistic kid and have to admit that I absolutely love it. I hadn‘t read any reviews before watching it, but this show definitely calls for at least 2 Oscars: one for Robia Rashid who came up…