Kategorie: Bildung

  • Lösungsansätze für das Plastik-Problem

    Lösungsansätze für das Plastik-Problem

    Über 100 Millionen Tonnen – so viel Plastikmüll schwimmt in unseren Ozeanen. Und das Schlimme: Jedes Jahr kommen etwa acht Millionen Tonnen dazu. Fast zwei Drittel des Plastikmülls in den Ozeanen stammen aus nur 20 Flüssen. Die meisten davon liegen in Asien, doch auch über den Rhein gelangen 20 bis 30 Tonnen Plastik pro Jahr…

  • How Virtual Reality Can Save Our Planet

    How Virtual Reality Can Save Our Planet

    In 12 minutes Carina Mentrup elaborates on how deeply she believes in the power of immersive experiences in education for sustainable development.  Virtual reality has tremendous potential to drive positive impact and change. Scientists around the world agree that human behaviour has an impact on climate. Yet, global warming is a complex phenomenon to understand.…

  • The Big Guy Vs. The Little Guy

    The Big Guy Vs. The Little Guy

    Unchained is a podcast about big ideas from the worlds of blockchain and cryptocurrency. Laura Shin recently was in an episode of the amazing Bad Crypto Podcast where I learned about her Unchained Podcast. I first listened to her episode with Shapeshift’s Erik Voorhees on How Crypto Will Separate Money and State and then went on to get my…