Top 5 Ethereum Use Case Areas

Wenn Tesla Erfinder Elon Musk lediglich mit der Veröffentlichung des Wortes Ethereum eine Diskussion mit Ethereum Erfinder Vitalik Buterin anstösst, dieser ihn zur nächsten Devcon Ethereum Konferenz einlädt und dann auf Rückfrage seine Top 5 Ethereum Use Case Bereiche auflistet, weiss du, dass du dich auf Twitter befindest oder warum Twitter nach wie vor meine Lieblings Social Media Plattform ist.
Tweet von Elon Musk

Top Picks

Hier die Top Picks von Vitalik Buterins aus seinen Tweets mit Elon Musk. Die Unterüberschriften sind von mir.

Finance, Identity and Web of Trust

  • A globally accessible financial system, including payments, store of value, also more advanced stuff like insurance
  • Identity: «sign in with Facebook» -> «sign in with an Ethereum account, no intermediaries».
  • Also web of trust…

Registries, Organizational Structure and Payment Channels

  • All sorts of registries should publish on chain for security and easy verifiability, see his thread on this
  • Experimenting with new forms of human organizational structure, eg. @MolochDAO
  • All sorts of micropayment use cases via payment channels…

Privacy in Machine Learning and Crypto Economics

  • Markets for personal data for privacy preserving machine learning (you pay me X, I let you homomorphically execute function Y on my data that’s been attestated to by Z…)
  • Cryptoeconomics for spam prevention in social networks
  • link to Prediction markets for content curation DAOs

Publisher Rewards, New Market Designs, Stickers and Badges

  • Cryptoeconomics / micropayment schemes to reward publishers of good content
  • Testing ground for new market designs, eg. frequent batch auctions, combinatorial auctions, automated market makers (eg.
  • Stickers/badges, link to other tweet

Internet Connections Marketplace, more Identity and Decentralized DNS

  • p2p marketplace for internet connections / incentivized mesh networks
  • Identity, reputation and credit systems for those that currently have few resources (eg. refugees)
  • Decentralized DNS alternatives (eg.

Was ist dein Lieblings Blockchain Use Case Bereich?

(Bild Vitalik Buterin von, Bild Elon Musk von Daniel Oberhaus)


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